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Ohio Divorce Lawyer

At Wood & Long LLC, divorce and family law is all that we do. By focusing exclusively on these areas, our attorneys are thoroughly equipped to understand and navigate the complexities of issues such as high-net-worth divorce, spousal support, property division, child custody and parenting plans, child support, protection orders, and more. Our deep knowledge and experience ensure that you receive the highest level of insight and guidance, paving the way for a brighter future.

DivorceChild CustodyChild SupportGrandparent RightsPrenuptial & Postnuptial AgreementsRestraining OrdersDomestic ViolenceStep-Parent AdoptionsLGBTQ+ Family LawOrder Modification & Enforcement


Divorce is the legal process that formally ends a marriage, addressing the division of assets, debts, and responsibilities such as child custody and support. It involves resolving various issues through negotiation, mediation, or court proceedings, depending on the couple’s circumstances. While the process can be complex and emotionally challenging, it aims to provide a fair resolution and facilitate a fresh start for both parties. Key aspects of divorce include the equitable distribution of marital property, determination of alimony, and arrangements for any children involved. Navigating a divorce effectively requires careful consideration and, often, the support of experienced legal professionals to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

Divorce with children

For families with children, navigating decisions about parenting plans and custody can be the most emotionally challenging part of a divorce. These choices profoundly impact your children’s lives, and it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. It's important to approach this process with a focus on what’s best for your children. Whether you opt for mediation or traditional court methods, prioritizing their well-being and stability is essential. Developing a thoughtful and flexible parenting plan can help ease their transition and provide the support they need during this difficult time. Your commitment to their best interests will make a significant difference in their future happiness and adjustment.


A dissolution might be the easiest and most cost-effective way to end a marriage. It requires both parties to reach an agreement on all key areas, such as custody, property division, spousal support, and child support. Unlike traditional divorce proceedings, which can be contentious and lengthy, a dissolution allows couples to work collaboratively to resolve their issues without the need for a court battle. This process typically involves negotiating a mutually agreed-upon settlement, which can streamline the legal process and reduce costs. By focusing on a mutual agreement and cooperation, a dissolution provides a more amicable and efficient path to closing this chapter of your lives, allowing both partners to move forward with greater clarity and less financial strain.

Alimony / Spousal Support

Spousal support, formerly known as alimony, is a potential financial award granted by the court to address income disparities and help maintain a reasonable standard of living for a spouse after divorce. The determination of spousal support involves evaluating several factors beyond mere income levels, including the length of the marriage, the recipient spouse’s needs, and the paying spouse’s ability to contribute. Each judge or magistrate exercises discretion in their analysis, making it essential to understand how these factors will be weighed in your specific case.

High Net-Worth

High net worth divorces come with their own set of complexities, as they involve significant assets and financial considerations that can make the process more intricate. When substantial wealth is at stake, issues like alimony, spousal support, child support, and the equitable division of assets can become highly complex. Even if both parties contributed financially to the marriage, dividing assets and reaching agreements on child custody and parenting plans can be particularly overwhelming. In these cases, it's essential to work with a divorce law firm that has experience in navigating the nuances of high net worth divorces. At Wood & Long, we focus on creating a comprehensive financial picture to protect your rights and assets. Our experienced attorneys develop tailored strategies to address even the most complex issues, ensuring that your assets are safeguarded and preventing any attempts by the other spouse to hide or dissipate wealth during the divorce process.

Gray Divorce

Going through a divorce or legal separation later in life can be both legally and emotionally tough. Gray divorces come with their own set of challenges, such as dividing retirement funds, handling alimony, and splitting up property. At Wood & Long, we’re well-versed in these issues and can guide you through the process. We’ll help you address key concerns like valuing and dividing retirement accounts, managing social security benefits, untangling inheritance funds mixed with marital property, and dealing with the impact on financial stability and alimony. 

Property Division

In Ohio, dividing property and assets is a crucial aspect of settling a divorce. This process includes everything from real estate and vehicles to cash and debts. The judge, or you and your spouse if you reach an agreement, will evaluate several factors to determine a fair and equitable distribution. Unlike a straightforward 50/50 split, "equitable" means the division is based on fairness, considering factors such as the length of the marriage, each party’s financial and non-financial contributions, pre-marital assets, inheritance, and individual needs and circumstances. This approach ensures that the division reflects the unique aspects of your case.

Legal Separation

A legal separation is a formal process that allows a couple to addresses key issues such as child custody arrangements, child support, spousal support, and the division of assets. Unlike a divorce, a legal separation does not end the marriage; instead, it allows a couple to live apart while remaining legally married. This can be beneficial for couples who need time to resolve the complexities of their relationship and decide on the best path forward. The advantage of a legal separation is that it provides a structured way to manage and resolve these issues while giving both spouses the space to consider their future options.

Child Custody

For families with children, child custody and visitation decisions are often the most emotional aspects of divorce and family law. At Wood & Long, our family law attorneys offer compassionate representation to help parents create parenting plans that prioritize their children's best interests. Parents can avoid litigation by agreeing on custody and visitation through negotiation. If an agreement isn’t reached and the case becomes contested, the court will consider several factors to determine the child's best interest. These factors may include the child’s needs, relationships, living situation, the health of all parties, and any instances of domestic violence, abuse, or neglect. Additionally, the court may appoint a Guardian ad Litem to investigate the best interests of the children.


Establishing paternity is a vital process for many families, but it can sometimes seem complex. The simplest method is to complete the Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit at the hospital when your baby is born. Both parents need to sign this form to officially recognize the father’s role. If this isn’t possible, you can establish paternity through the Court or the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA), often using DNA testing. The CSEA can help with child support but doesn’t address custody or parenting rights. Choosing the right path depends on your specific needs. At Wood & Long, we’re here to guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.

Unmarried Parents

In Ohio, an unwed mother has sole custody of a child until a court establishes otherwise, and the father’s rights must be legally established. To gain parental rights, an unwed father must first establish paternity and then petition the court for custody and a parenting time schedule. If child support is involved, while the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) can set up support orders, it cannot address custody or visitation. Therefore, an unwed father should petition the court to handle both support and custody issues. At Wood & Long, our experienced Ohio child custody attorneys are here to guide you through the complex process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your goals are achieved.

Visitation & Parenting Time

When it comes to visitation and parenting time, ensuring a fair and structured arrangement is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship between parents and their child. In Ohio, visitation and parenting time schedules can be established through mutual agreement or court orders if parents cannot reach an agreement on their own. These arrangements are designed to balance the child's need for stability with the parents' rights and responsibilities. Our experienced attorneys at Wood & Long can help you navigate this process by advocating for a visitation schedule that supports your child’s well-being and fits your family's unique needs. 

Child Support

Child support plays a crucial role in ensuring that children maintain an adequate standard of living. In Ohio, guideline child support amounts are primarily determined by a state formula, but this can be adjusted based on specific circumstances. Factors like income changes, additional expenses, and unique needs can all impact the final amount. At Wood & Long, we understand how to navigate these adjustments and can help you address any deviations from the standard calculations. Child support can be a challenging and emotional issue, as it affects both the parents and, most importantly, the children. Our team is here to provide guidance and support, whether through negotiation or legal proceedings, to ensure that your children’s needs are met and that you achieve a fair and workable arrangement.

Grandparent Rights

Grandparent rights can be a crucial part of family law, especially when maintaining relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren becomes challenging due to a divorce or family conflict. In Ohio, grandparents may pursue legal visitation rights or custody if it benefits the child, particularly if the child's parents are unable or unwilling to provide proper care. Although Ohio law does not automatically grant these rights, it allows grandparents to seek them under specific circumstances, such as parental separation, divorce, or a parent's death. If you're a grandparent looking to secure your role in your grandchild's life, our experienced attorneys at Wood & Long can guide you through this complex process and advocate for your family's interests.

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are legal tools designed to address financial and property matters before or after marriage. A prenuptial agreement is created and signed before marriage, outlining how assets and debts will be divided if the marriage ends. A postnuptial agreement, created after marriage, serves a similar purpose but is used when circumstances change or when couples want to address their financial situation later on. Both types of agreements can provide clarity and protection by setting clear expectations and responsibilities for both parties. These agreements can cover a range of issues, including asset division, spousal support, and debt management. At Wood & Long, we work with clients to craft comprehensive agreements that fit their unique situations, ensuring that both partners have a clear understanding of their financial expectations.

Civil Protection Orders

Civil protection orders are essential measures designed to safeguard individuals from threats, harassment, or violence. In Ohio, these orders can prevent an abusive person from contacting or approaching you, providing crucial protection for you and your loved ones. To obtain a protection order, presenting a strong case is vital, and our team is here to guide you through this process. Whether you’re seeking protection from domestic violence, stalking, or harassment, or if you’re dealing with a restraining order you believe is unjust, we offer the expertise and support needed to navigate these complex legal issues and ensure your safety and rights are maintained.

Domestic Violence

 Domestic violence is a serious issue involving physical, emotional, and psychological abuse inflicted by a partner or family member, often creating a cycle of fear and control. If you or your family face an immediate threat, please contact the police right away. Once the immediate danger is addressed, our attorneys, with extensive training and experience in domestic violence cases, can help you secure protection through restraining orders. We understand the complexities and sensitivities involved and are dedicated to providing compassionate, effective legal support. Our team is committed to advocating for your safety and well-being, ensuring you receive the support you need to move forward.

Step-Parent Adoptions

If you’re a step-parent looking to adopt your step-child, the experienced attorneys at Wood & Long are here to guide you through the process. We understand the deep bond you’ve formed with your step-child and are committed to helping you formalize that relationship legally. Step-parent adoption is a meaningful way to solidify your role in your step-child’s life and ensure your relationship is recognized legally. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support and skilled representation, helping you navigate each stage of the adoption journey.

LGBTQ+ Family Law

Navigating family law matters within the LGBTQ+ community involves unique challenges and considerations, particularly as the legal landscape continues to evolve. Since the Supreme Court’s landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision in 2015, which affirmed marriage equality, there have been significant changes, but state laws, including those in Ohio, have not fully adapted. At Wood & Long, we are committed to providing knowledgeable and compassionate support for LGBTQ+ families, addressing issues like divorce, step-parent adoption, custody disputes, and legal recognition of marital rights. Our attorneys are well-versed in Ohio’s specific laws affecting LGBTQ+ family dynamics and are dedicated to ensuring that your rights and interests are protected. If you face a family law issue, don’t navigate it alone—let our experienced team provide the tailored guidance and support your case deserves.

Order Modification & Enforcement

 When you need to modify existing court orders or address issues of non-compliance, consulting an attorney is crucial. At Wood & Long, our attorneys are well-versed in handling post-decree matters, including contempt proceedings, modifications or terminations of support, and adjustments to custody or parenting time. We understand that life circumstances evolve—whether it’s children outgrowing parenting schedules or significant income changes—and we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. Our team is dedicated to providing the support you need to navigate the complexities of post-decree litigation and ensure your rights are protected.

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